Effective appraisals are critical for fostering a high-performing workplace, yet many organizations conduct appraisals poorly leading to misunderstandings, poor feedback, missed development opportunities, hostility, inaccurate decisions, and diminished trust in the workplace among many other consequences. These not only affect individual employees but also undermine organizational growth and expose organizations to potential risks.
We have found that many organizational leaders and managers just think of the appraisal process as part of an annual human resources “ritual’ that they do to fulfil all “righteousness”. They are unaware of the importance and impact that appraisals can have. This is why our podcast episode explores the importance of effective appraisals. We believe that when leaders, managers and professionals understand the importance of effective appraisals, they can participate more actively in the appraisal process, and transform appraisals into powerful tools for driving performance, fostering employee growth, and ensuring psychological safety in the workplace.
If you’re ready to transform your organization’s appraisal process and maximize its benefits, CLICK HERE to listen to this week’s podcast episode, “The Importance of Effective Appraisals.” Feel free to share this resource with your team to promote better appraisal practices and a culture of fairness, performance, and growth.
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