A Different View on Success

A Different View on Success

Many individuals and organizations hold a traditional view of success, seeing it as a destination to be reached, defined by material wealth, and limited to individual achievements. These beliefs drive harmful behaviours like corruption, greed, inequity, and unhealthy competition. In organizations, this mindset creates cliques, silos, and a lack of collaboration, stifling innovation and progress.

Our research and experience show that to cultivate and create success, individuals and organizations must adopt alternative perspectives that emphasize 1) success as a journey rather than a destination; 2) success as transcendental rather than material; and 3) success as focused on the common good rather than individual achievements.

If you’re interested in exploring these perspectives on sustainable success and how to apply these transformative ideas to your personal and professional life, CLICK this link to listen to our podcast on “A Different View of Success.”

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