How to Listen Effectively, by Omagbitse Barrow

How to Listen Effectively, by Omagbitse Barrow

Listening is certainly one skill that most people struggle with. In fact, most very successful leaders have such a strong personality that they tend to dominate conversations and seldom actually listen to the other person. Listening is however one of the most potent way to empower and to influence others. By listening effectively, you give others the opportunity to express themselves, and you learn more about them so that you can be better positioned to influence them. A simple yet effective technique for listening is based on the mnemonic F.L.O.A.T:

Face the Speaker: When listening always maintain facial contact with the speaker. In certain cultures, eye contact may be inappropriate, however in all cases you should be facing the person that is speaking.

Lean towards the speaker: Use positive body language and lean into the conversation, rather than having your body pulled back and withdrawn from the conversation.

Open yourself to the discussion: Keep an open disposition to the conversation. Your body, eyes, your gestures should all show that you are open to the conversation.

Attend to the Speaker: Pay attention to the speaker, do not interrupt, and ensure that your body language conveys your patience and interest in what the person is saying. Nodding as the person makes a point is a powerful way of being attentive. Also, pay attention to the non-verbal cues from the speaker, and adjust yourself appropriately to what you perceive.

Track the conversation: Depending on the nature of the conversation, take notes, and if you are not sure if that will be appropriate, ask permission from the speaker to take notes. When given the opportunity paraphrase what the speaker has said and ask clarifying questions to be sure that you understand. 

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